Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Images Inspire

 I would like to mention a websites that provide inspiration for me on a daily basis. Pintrest! Essentially it is a pin board style photo sharing website that allows members to share theme based collections.  There are various categories you can browse through, filled with an abundance of really cool photos. I look through them all the time, and I have to warn you Pintrest is addicting! Like many other social / photo sharing websites, you can spend hours on there so be careful! Lately I've been using some of the photos for a project I've been working on. I take one of my life list wishes and then write it (in text) on a picture that portrays what it is I want to do. I realize this may sound a little confusing and pointless but it's actually very neat and inspiring. I have two demonstrations below.

I will post more examples in the future. I also like the idea of taking a picture of accomplishing something on your life list and then writing the number with a check or something on the picture. I will have to try it soon!
Alright so if you're interested go check out Pintrest, its amazing! And if you have time, like myself, (or just if you feel like) and create your own life list pictures!  

Yours, Emma

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Greetings! I would like to introduce to you, one inspiration that lead me to my recent "Live life to the fullest" epiphany. You may or may not be familiar with a TV show called The Buried Life. Essentially its about four boys who have comprised a list of all the crazy things they want to do before they die and them completing them. In each episode they would attempt to complete one of their Life List items, and also assist someone complete something they wanted to do before they died. There philosphy is simply if there's something you want to do, however crazy or out there it may seem, do it. If you succeed great, if you don't at least you tried. I really like how the emphasize the benefits and importance of taking risks. Unfortunately there show was discontinued after two seasons, however they are still perusing the completion of there bucket list. If you're interested they have a website: http://theburiedlife.com. Its chalk full of videos, pictures, there list and other fun stuff. They also have have a Facebook page from which I got my "Not All Those Who Wonder Are Lost" picture off of.  I really like the inspiring / neat / thought provoking pictures and quotes that they post. I plan to include some of them in my future posts!
If you are in need of more inspiration to live courageously, or just want see what they are all about, I encourage you to go check them out!

Yours, Emma